Who’s Hot Juma Omary Laurent

Who’s Hot Juma Omary Laurent

Na Aisha Lungato

Name: Juma Omary Laurent

Birthday:  17Th August

Kazi:  Comedian.

Juma Omary also known as Jolmaster is an Tanzania comedian on Cheka Tu standaup comedy.

Jolmaster amepata umaarufu zaidi baada ya kusambaa kwa clip zake za uchekeshaji pia alijizolea umaarufu sana  kupitia standaup comed inayo milikiwa na Cornad kennedy maarufu kama coy mzungu, ambayo wameipa jina la “Cheka Tuu”

Mbali na kuwa comedian jolmaster anaigiza katika thamthilia ya “Jua kali”

jolmaster is currently planning his project which he has named The Guy which will be shown through various different channels especial will be shown through youtube channel yake ambayo ameipa jina la “Jol Master”.

we love  Jolmaster because he is a young fighter who is dedicated and entertaining as well.


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Detricia Pamba

A Digital Journalist, Content Creation Executive at Mwananchi Communications Ltd and Chief Editor of Mwananchi Scoop. I'm also writes stories around Technology, every Wednesday on Mwananchi Scoop. My other famous segments on Mwananchi Scoop include LISTI and WHO’S HOT.

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