What technology got to do with love

What technology got to do with love

Love is a long known universal thing that has great power over people. It has been here for generations and generations and it is definitely on planet earth to stay. There is a popular saying that “Love makes the world go round”, and it surely does, but maybe the speed keeps increasing as days go by, reason behind? ‘The great power of technology.’

 It is an undeniable fact that ever since the introduction of technology, the way we view love, the way we interact with our loved ones and even the way we meet our “Mr. & Mrs. Right” has definitely changed.

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Hello, I'm
Detricia Pamba

A Digital Journalist, Content Creation Executive at Mwananchi Communications Ltd and Chief Editor of Mwananchi Scoop. I'm also writes stories around Technology, every Wednesday on Mwananchi Scoop. My other famous segments on Mwananchi Scoop include LISTI and WHO’S HOT.

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